Global Idiot Award Example

Chef Moshe Segev Nominated For The Global Idiot Award Example

The whole world is watching! International incident, you can get a Dodo for it!


Japanese diplomats appalled by offensive dessert at Abe-Netanyahu dinner


Chef Moshe Segev

Trait Lame
Why this nomination? He put his foot in his mouth to say the least...
  • Chef Segev Moshe’s shoe dessertChef Segev Moshe’s shoe dessert
Description: Celebrity chef Moshe Segev's culinary blooper ended the meal on the wrong foot.

When Japanese leader Shinzo Abe and his wife dined with Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Residence on May 2 during Abe’s second official visit to Israel, they finished their gourmet meal with a kicker of a dessert.

Israeli celebrity chef Moshe Segev, better known as Segev Moshe, the prime minister’s private chef, capped the elaborate dinner with a selection of chocolates served in a metal shoe, which is considered highly offensive in Japanese culture.

While Abe took the unusual presentation in stride, Japanese and Israeli diplomats and Japan watchers were shocked that the Japanese prime minister would be served from a shoe.

“This was a stupid and insensitive decision,” a senior Israeli diplomat, who had previously served in Japan, told Yediot Aharonot. “There is nothing more despised in Japanese culture than shoes. Not only do they not enter their houses while
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Publication/Media Source: Israel News - Jerusalem Post
Author: Samuel Thrope
Photo and/or Video Source: Instagram screenshot)
Publication Date: May 7, 2018 11:36
Nominator: adminrw
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