American Idiot Award Example

Josh 'Ferrett' Neille Nominated For The American Idiot Award Example

Something that can only happen in America. This may be the land of opportunity and it's an opportunity for any idiot.


Shark takes bite out of fisherman’s leg after crazy attempt to lasso its tail


Josh 'Ferrett' Neille

Why this nomination? Another one bites the dust.
Description: An Australian fisherman was lucky to escape with only a flesh wound after recklessly attempting to wrestle a shark.

Josh ‘Ferret’ Neille was fishing off the coast of Queensland, Australia, when he inexplicably tried to lasso a 9ft (2.7 meter) shark swimming in open water.

Footage of the incident filmed from Neille’s boat and posted to YouTube last week shows the fisherman, cheered on by a group of friends, diving into the water alongside a shark loitering nearby. The fearsome creature soon turns frantic when Neille tries to grab hold of its tail.

The ridiculous stunt soon goes awry when the shark sinks its teeth into Neille’s leg.

In the clip, the fisherman can be heard screaming in pain and shouting to his companions: “It’s bit me, f***!”

“After a battle for 15 seconds I found [myself] locked in the shark’s jaws as it thrashed a chunk from the top of my right thigh...
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Photo and/or Video Source: Screengrab from video.
Publication Date: 6 May, 2017 16:09
Nominator: adminrw
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Submission Date May 07, 2017 (Edited Jan 09, 2018)

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